Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Preview for JCP 56 on Wednesday, November 21, 2007
-American-Indian Heritage Month Segment
-Cook Cty. Brd. Pres. Todd Stroger has to pay a $25,000 fine because of Cook Cty. Comm. Anthony Peraica.
- Fmr. Gov. Jim Edgar endorses GOP Presidential Candidate Rudolph Giuliani.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Presidential Candidate Choices

As you may already know, I am in the process of choosing candidates to endorse for the primary elections. Well to help me out, I have been taking numerous Who Should I vote for quizzes, so here is an average on where all of the candidates stand out of all my quizzes' results.

Top Republicans:

1.Duncan Hunter
2.Mitt Romney
3.Tom Tancredo
4.Rudy Giuliani
5.John Mccain
6.Fred Thompson
7.Mike Huckabee
8.Ron Paul

Top Democrats

1.Bill Richardson
2.Chris Dodd
3.Joe Biden
4.Hillary Clinton
5.Barack Obama
6.John Edwards
7.Mike Gravel
8.Dennis Kucinich

For more information on Jake's Chicago Politics go to http://www.jcpolitics.com/ or call the hotline at 773-303-0851.